irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[01:14:35] I defend the ti-89t against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:24:14] I have HP48gx HP 49g+ irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:24:29] Hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:24:45] also TI-89t irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:26:19] I gave away my old ti-89 to a friend. I have 2 titaniums for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:26:39] 1716:chronomex: I have 2 ti-89t for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:27:47] has much ti 89 data in Math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:28:19] 1716: I have 2 ti-89t for stereo math [Added chronomex at 2010/06/26 04:06] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-27.log:[06:30:07] My first 89t had a bad system so I downloaded a new one fron the new 89t irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-28.log:[04:04:25] I have 89T irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-28.log:[04:04:37] in my hand irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-28.log:[04:04:53] I own 2 of them irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-28.log:[04:09:21] Several ti-89 emulators exist irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-06-30.log:[07:32:03] Coast to coast tonight is about the universe irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-06.log:[04:04:47] Coast to Coast tonight is about the human genome irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-06.log:[07:54:01] Coast to Coast soon tonight is about the human genome project irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-06.log:[07:57:10] I sell no calcs irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-06.log:[07:58:28] I do not work for ti dy and own no ti stock irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-06.log:[08:04:53] I defend the ti-89t against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-06.log:[09:10:38] coast to coast is about to discuss the humn genome project. Listen if you can irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-10.log:[06:26:25] A 12v bulb is dim at 10 volta irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-10.log:[06:31:08] Bulbs are nonlinear resistors irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-11.log:[03:03:17] Virrtual ti-89 are free on www irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-11.log:[03:03:42] has much ti-89 data in Math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-14.log:[03:41:32] superglue irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-14.log:[10:56:10] I study the ti-89t calc irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-14.log:[10:56:25] I am old and very wise irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-14.log:[10:56:54] Arf Arf irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-14.log:[10:57:53] I have two ti-89t for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[01:18:33] I offer TI89 data to anybody interested irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[04:41:40] msg ILS Did you download Realaudio? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[04:44:53] msg ILS Good philosophy irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[04:45:09] msg ILS Did you download Realaudio? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[04:46:05] I am old and very wise irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[04:46:13] msg ILS Did you download Realaudio? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[04:46:30] msg ILS good philosophy irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[04:47:10] i made a typo, corrected now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-15.log:[06:15:21] OxPhone what calc did you get. I like the ti-89t irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[08:33:22] 1949 news Future computers will weigh less than 1.5 tons irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[08:35:31] Born 1932 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[08:35:42] My first good computer was a Mac SE with a small black.white screen, $2500 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[08:36:13] 1949 news Future computers will weigh less than 1.5 tons irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[08:37:57] 1949 news Denmark saved its Jews. What did Norway do? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[08:38:54] messed up message irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[08:56:56] The light sensitibe cells replace the outer parts regularly irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[09:51:07] Most steets are in alphabetical order in neighborhoods irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[10:11:47] 32 is one block south of 31st irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[10:15:59] Yes, a half block south of 32 and jamestown irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[10:39:00] I am 40 feet south of 32 and jamestown on the east side of jamestown irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-18.log:[10:40:30] Private message accidently sent here irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-20.log:[04:47:48] 1533: I am old and very wise. | <_Digital> and get confused for a bot sometimes [Added: chronomex at 2009/02/09 00:26] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-20.log:[04:47:57] 1591: 4 is an integer, it has no intristic random/nonrandom value ;) | 4 keeps 3 and 5 seperate and thus has great value [Added: chronomex at 2009/03/23 00:40] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[09:20:50] hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[09:21:11] has much math and ti-89 data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[09:49:22] My ti-89t developed problems, solved by a new OS irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[09:49:48] Archived items survive a crash irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:23:07] Coast to coast is about computers now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:26:43] Try this puzzel SEND + MORE = MONEY irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:26:58] yes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:27:34] Radio Affiliates irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:28:03] a US map will appear irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:28:17] C to C is about computers now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:29:43] ksco station has streaming c to c irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:29:59] do you have realaudio? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:30:14] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:31:06] go to station url irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:31:35] check c to c affiliates map irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-26.log:[10:31:44] ok irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[04:35:15] I like the ti-89t irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[04:36:27] I defend the ti-89t against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[04:57:19] I have two ti-89t calcs for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[04:57:49] has much ti-89 data in Math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[04:59:58] Twice as fun as mono math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:01:28] 4 ti-89t can do quadratics irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:04:36] 4 of them solve 4 quadratics irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:07:11] I was born in 1932 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:08:10] I remember Pearl Harbor day. I collected scrap and bought war bonds irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:09:41] My great Grandmother was Germa irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:10:15] No I was a dumb kid then irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:10:33] Nobody told me much irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:11:28] Aug 28 1932 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:11:33] 77 now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:12:01] I learn more every day irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:12:33] my wisdom here irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:12:55] In Math is ti-89 lessons irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:13:41] I normally run an older Mac, OS 91 and OSX panther irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:14:10] I also run an Emachine laptop, ibm type irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-27.log:[05:14:58] It works fine for my needs irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-28.log:[07:06:36] l'hopital can fail sometimes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-28.log:[07:13:08] I have two ti-89t for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[01:17:58] iphone 5 will have a rotary dial and 6 foot whip antenna irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[01:23:16] yes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:17:31] I do not see how irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:17:43] I am a ti 89 guru irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:18:02] in MATH has much TI-89 data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:19:20] I do not know how. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:19:51] Function plot requires x as variable irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:19:58] try my url irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:20:25] 3d plot uses x and y irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:21:03] z= function of x and y irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:22:17] give it a try irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:24:36] Any more questions? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:26:06] z= x^2+y^2 can be plotted in 3d irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:28:01] the point of view of a 3d plot is changed by arrow keys irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:29:14] I suggest keeping good notes on what works and what does not irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:29:44] try my url for ti-89 lessons and programs irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:30:15] TI-89 lessons is a good starting place irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:31:08] ti-89t I have a HP49g+ HP48gx irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:31:57] Both have things other does not have. TI offers many good programs like gamma and Laplace irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:32:12] I do not have hp50 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:33:10] factorial is really gamma function, It has built in Laplace transform and FFT and singular value decomposition irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:33:58] EEPRO has fft and ti offers Laplace transform. I offer singular value decomposition program irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:35:42] It looks like a 3d sine function in x and y irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:37:09] Get the old ti-89 manual online as it has data not in the titanium manual irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:38:21] Someting like sin( sqrt(x^2+y^2)) will make something like it irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:38:47] sqrt is sqrt symbol irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:40:05] I suggest getting the online manuals for statistics and eepro from ti irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:40:27] arrow keys change point of view irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:43:19] Next question? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:44:24] I have much data in the url irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:44:36] I am a retired physicist irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:45:18] There is so much to learn it will fill several notebooks irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:45:53] I did solid state materials research and later circuit design irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:46:03] I am 77 now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:47:26] I will be 78 Aug 28 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:47:42] I found I was good at it irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:50:28] I use Mathematica too. I work on math of planet orbits irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:51:58] I work to correct my math knowledge irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:52:14] I am in Tulsa Oklahoma USA irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:57:51] Drawinv plots graph rotated 90 degrees irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:58:33] In the Line of Duty. Ambush at Waco I was an extra irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:59:25] They called for extras irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[04:59:41] Some friends were extras too irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-29.log:[05:00:12] it was about the Koresh case irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-07-30.log:[01:59:33] google functions irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-07.log:[04:31:05] There are 4 planets to be seen in the western sky tonight just after sunset irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-10.log:[00:42:05] I like Lord Ganesh, with an elephant head irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-10.log:[06:36:12] I offer ti-89t data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-10.log:[20:28:23] Meteor shower in the morning and next morning irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-12.log:[02:18:55] --> ILS Why not? It is fun irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-12.log:[06:28:29] and tomorrow night irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-24.log:[01:28:53] I use ti-89t calc irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-24.log:[07:05:05] I am old and very wise irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-30.log:[08:25:45] Coast to Coast is about physics now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-08-31.log:[04:04:11] MSG ILS Read The End Of Faith Sam Harris irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:11:58] I use a TI-89t calc irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:21:23] I am old and very wise irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:22:14] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:24:06] that is glk irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:29:46] 1533:chronomex: I am old and very wise. | <_Digital> and get confused for a bot sometimes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:29:48] 944:DSP_Lord: I studied all night to pass my Turing test | heh | When did you do this? | Feb 30 | that was a while ago | I thought you were going to say something like 1947. | XD irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:29:52] 1591:chronomex: 4 is an integer, it has no intristic random/nonrandom value ;) | 4 keeps 3 and 5 seperate and thus has great value irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:29:54] I just turned 78 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:30:15] I am well irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:31:36] I claim 7 is a random number. Prove it is not irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:35:23] About 1952, a computer book of random numbers was published. In recent years, an error was found, Not truly random irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:37:59] Taken in set of three, they had a bias, irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:39:37] It was used in setting up physical systems for math analysis irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-04.log:[02:40:30] I am reading Fire in the Valley, about history of silicon valley irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:03:16] I won millions in the Nigerian lottery, every week irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:07:51] I am old and very wise irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:23:04] I claim 7 is a rsndom number. Prove it is not irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:24:59] Psuedo random numbers always give the same numbers, if run again irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:25:36] I meant that for a private message irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:30:15] I have a HP49 g+ irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:30:34] What HP is it? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[02:31:05] my bad irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-06.log:[03:18:59] x=x0*cos(th)+y0*sin(th) y=y0*cos(th)-x0*sin(th) irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[01:19:10] I suggest the TI-89t calc irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:05:26] Tell me more. I am an 89 guru irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:05:50] in MATH has much 89 data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:08:21] In the ti-89 T the log base does not work irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:08:53] It is listed in catalog irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:09:57] You can change base easily by a simple formula irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:10:50] ln(x)=log(x)/log(e) irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:11:44] I do not know. I know logbase() does not work irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:11:51] Try my url irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:12:05] Start with TI-89 lessons irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:12:33] good irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:15:04] What is your area of interest? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:15:55] You are wise to choose a TI-89T irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:16:42] Ask about a problem irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:17:07] Choosing the right x and y limits is vital irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:17:55] Ask a question irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:19:02] In trig, you can choose radians or degrees irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:19:24] Hold irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:19:58] You can choose ymin =0 to see only y above 0 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:20:53] yes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:22:56] If nothing is seen, then y is not in that shosen region irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:23:00] seen irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:23:28] try function with wide limits to see where it plots irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:24:21] xmin -10 xmax =10 ymin = -10 ymax=10 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:25:10] ZOOMFIT changes graph to fill screen irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:26:46] What is function? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:27:22] what is function of x irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:27:38] equation to be graphed? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:28:39] y1(x) = x^3-5x^2+10 in graph menu irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:29:04] x^3-5*x^2+10 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:29:19] include a multiply symbol irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:31:17] next queston Keep good notes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:32:11] f5 zero irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:32:29] f5 menu has several functions irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:32:44] choose range to look for zeros irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:34:38] I see a zero at -2.9 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:35:19] Plot graph f5 key choose zeros xmin -5 xmax =0 enter irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:36:26] Ask if you are confused irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:37:33] choose lower x limit of -3 upper limit 0 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:37:54] if you choose wrong limits, no zero will be found irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:38:25] yes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:38:46] be sure xmin is -3 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:39:48] plot then go to f5 zeros choose zeros enter choose x=-3 for lower bound x= 0 for upper bound irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:39:56] zero irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:40:14] be sure to use 9 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:40:39] Be sure to use (-) for - irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:42:53] ignore that irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:43:53] graph should exist between x=-3 and 0 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:44:28] graph between -10 and 10 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:45:38] after graphing f5 zero enter lower bound -3 upper bound 0 enter irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:50:50] The little circle in | key automatically means degree in that function, whatever the mode selected little r makes radian mode irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:51:19] Little r is in catalog irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:53:23] in rad mode 1o makes .017 radians irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:53:52] in degree mode 1r makes 57.29 degrees irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:55:35] We will start overy1=x^3-5*x+10 xmin = -5 xmax = 5 ymin= -10 ymax=10 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:56:02] do this irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:57:28] in radian mode5pi/3 o fgives 300 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[03:57:53] have you plotted curve? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:00:42] ok irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:01:23] you do not need multiply sign in 5pi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:03:21] (5*pi)/3)o gives 300 in radian mode irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:04:02] (5*pi)/3o irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:04:30] in radian mode (5*pi)/3o gives 300 degrees irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:05:00] did you plot curve? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:05:43] Keep good notes on these lessons irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:05:53] did you find zero? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:06:13] What next? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:07:03] You can find area under curve in f5 S f(x) dx choice irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:08:18] Inflaction is where f'' = 0 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:09:07] arc computes arc length irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:11:05] plot see period 1/4(x+3pi))+5 is 2pi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-14.log:[04:11:54] plot find maximum where x where y'=0 and y'' is negative irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-16.log:[06:02:21] Coast to Coast tonight is about the universe irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-17.log:[04:56:27] Iphone5 will have a rotary dial and a quarter slot irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-17.log:[04:57:25] A 6 foot whip antenna is optional irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-18.log:[02:42:52] Try Luke 19 27 << Luke 19:27 >> irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-18.log:[02:42:52] New International Version (©1984) irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-26.log:[05:06:52] Get a virtual one now fdree irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-26.log:[05:07:37] .I have two TI-89T for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-28.log:[02:30:39] I bought aEmachines puter and I am pleased with it irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-28.log:[02:31:38] Where are they? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-28.log:[02:31:59] Emachines E525-2632 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-28.log:[02:32:28] Today I bought Norton Utilities irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-28.log:[03:03:21] hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-09-28.log:[03:03:28] Kaku is discussing physics and string theory tonight irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-03.log:[08:00:50] Salt corrodes metal irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-05.log:[06:46:39] Get a ti-89t calculator irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-05.log:[06:46:57] It does calculus irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[04:08:54] I have data on the ti-89 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:26:24] Hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:26:33] I am a ti-89 guru irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:26:52] in MATH has much ti 89 data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:27:41] What is the question? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:30:31] I do not know irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:30:45] Google TI-89 and find much data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:34:19] Many programs for TI-89 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:40:35] Download from the url. Use the cable and connect program. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:41:30] I use a Mac and I drag program downloaded program from desktop to ti-89 image on desktop. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:41:52] Do you have the connect cable?. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:42:07] Do you have TI connect program? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:46:33] The DVD which came with the 89 has TI connect irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:48:22] Go to the program source on www. Download the desired program to the computer. Connect cable start TI connect irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:49:21] seelct TI-89 on the program. See a table of the ti-89 menu on the screen when connected. Drag program to main in the menu irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:49:47] I am using a Mac and this is how it works for me irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:50:29] Afterwards, you can transfer the program in main to any desired menu irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:52:33] Programs automatically go to main in var link irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:56:25] Do you have the dvd which came with the 89? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[08:57:49] It has TI connect. If not, TI offers it free irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:02:54] Download a program to computer. Connect cable, Start TI-connect, choose TI-89 see var link menu on the screen. Drag downloaded progrm over to var link image irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:03:14] This is fast. No typing needed irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:03:45] The TI text program on your computer can be edited irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:03:55] on the computer irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:05:03] .You can also select a 89 screen image onto the computer screen irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:05:34] When you see a screen image, you are connected irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:07:43] Once the program is downloaded to the computer, drag it over to the var link image irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:08:15] As I said, I have a Mac so that is what works for me irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:08:44] Many programs for TI-89 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:09:32] In TI connect select TI-89 in the menu at te top irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:12:20] In the TYI program url, select he offered programs irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:13:04] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-09.log:[09:19:29] There any many great programs there irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-11.log:[08:41:34] I defend the ti-89t against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:49:28] hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:50:16] John__ how is ti-89 going? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:51:17] do you want more lessons today? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:51:45] great irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:53:04] I hope you downloaded ti-89 lessons irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:53:41] great irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:55:48] I duggest getting crc math formula book Numerical Recipes and big mat reference Handbook of mathematical functions Abrahamowitz and Stegun irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:56:48] In a function, all variables but input ones must be defined as local irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:57:39] Do you want ti-89 and math lessons today? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:58:43] go to #glk irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[01:59:03] Any other ti-89 people are welcome irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[05:59:45] First miner being lifted now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[06:02:21] The first miner will step out and proclaim "One small step..." irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[06:15:39] Try the movie Metropolis irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[06:16:29] I was born in 1932 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-13.log:[06:17:50] The General is a silent locomotive chase irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-17.log:[02:44:33] 3.4 *10^9 years irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-17.log:[09:22:04] died irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-20.log:[01:47:58] Halloween is like Christmas Oct 31 = Dec 25 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-20.log:[03:18:22] list of gods irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-20.log:[03:18:22] lists over 2,850 of them. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-21.log:[01:02:14] When I got my new ti-89t, it came with a cable with no ic in the center, like my other one. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-21.log:[01:02:31] I never used the new one irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-10-26.log:[07:44:44] I defend the TI-89t against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-05.log:[00:06:00] I defend the ti-89t against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-08.log:[05:49:25] I defend the ti-89t against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-12.log:[01:45:26] hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-24.log:[03:43:55] thywillbed BA in Physics 1956 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-24.log:[10:03:57] Heaven and hell are fiction. God and Satan are not detected. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-25.log:[02:25:30] ti-89 does irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-25.log:[02:26:01] I am a ti-89 guru. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-30.log:[04:13:50] i_c-Y tell her about my url in Math has much ti-89 data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-30.log:[04:18:16] I got two ti-89t for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-30.log:[04:19:03] 1716:chronomex: I have 2 ti-89t for stereo math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-30.log:[04:33:06] A ti-89t is useful to learn math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-30.log:[04:34:28] ti-89 can do parametric, polar diff eq 3d graphing irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-30.log:[04:36:06] Learn math to be educated irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-11-30.log:[04:41:48] Churches promote that attitude irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-01.log:[06:41:50] What cheese is made backwards? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-01.log:[06:42:32] Edam cheese irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-01.log:[06:47:22] !qadd What cheese is made backwards? | < sir_lewk> I sense a pun, but I don't know :P | Edam cheese irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-06.log:[03:40:14] dec 21 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-17.log:[05:07:44] I lost a crt monitor to a power surge before I got a ups irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-21.log:[05:53:50] Do not forget the moon eclipse tonight, starting in 2.5 hours irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-25.log:[02:02:41] Merry Newton Birthday, Dec 25 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2010-12-26.log:[03:19:02] Hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-05.log:[06:58:11] They ran river water through pipes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:30:46] I suggest the TI-89t calc to learn calculus irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:34:16] I am old and very wise irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:35:02] A worked example is good to learn from irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:38:41] A plot is educational irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:39:54] Try finding inverse of a 6 by six determinate by hand irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:40:48] Find Gamma function of 6,5 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:42:26] Find Singular value decomposition by hand irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:44:09] Real world problems can be complicated irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:45:52] What if numbers are 12 digits long? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:47:36] Have you studied singular value decomposition of a matrix? irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:48:29] I figured it out using the ti-89t irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:49:18] All the online lessons were poor irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:50:14] HP does svd as a built in function, so does Mathematica irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:50:46] They do not give the process, only the results irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[06:51:31] My url in Math gives a ti-89 example with explanations at each step irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[07:45:07] People invent gods and write holy books, irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[08:00:51] Dubai too irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[08:02:33] More vacuum exists than anything else irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[08:04:11] Power corrupts. Absolute power is rather nice to have irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[08:04:49] I use win 7 h p in my Emachines puter irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[08:07:28] Jerusalem has been destroyed several times irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-01-15.log:[08:09:13] Jesus time Jerusalem is about 20 feet under street level irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-02-18.log:[09:46:10] list of gods irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-02-18.log:[09:46:10] lists over 2,850 of them. irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-02-19.log:[07:14:41] *// irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[04:38:35] I am old and very wise irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[04:44:39] I defend the TI-89T against all enemies irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[04:48:53] You are doomed to eternity in the intergral mines on Pluto irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[04:57:35] Will the HP50G integrate x^x or e^(-x^2) I have a HP49G+ irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[04:57:49] I use Mathematica too irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[04:59:07] I have an HP48GX from ancient times irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[04:59:23] has HP data in Math irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[05:01:02] I have HP lessons on FFT irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[05:03:30] I have ages of HP newsgroup messages there irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[05:15:46] He list middle finger of right hand irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[05:16:31] Doohan irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[05:16:57] I met him once, with Takai irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-04-10.log:[06:04:48] Takai as a kid was in a government camp in WW2 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-05-02.log:[05:32:41] President about to speak irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-05-02.log:[05:44:59] News says Osama is dead irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-05-12.log:[08:37:35] Just before sunrise for several days, 4 planets can be seen close together irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-07-03.log:[06:17:06] I thought it was a good movie irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-07-08.log:[04:23:09] in Math has much TI-89 data irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-07-08.log:[04:25:10] I download from ti to computer, then to ti-89 through a usb cable irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-07-24.log:[11:08:40] 1088:chronomex: * patz2009 pokes glk | Shields UP irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-08-12.log:[09:11:26] 1088: * patz2009 pokes glk | Shields UP [Added chronomex at 2007/10/22 23:49] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-09-28.log:[06:45:02] A lady here in Turley was hit by satellite junk irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-09-28.log:[06:45:45] OK ,, very light irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-09-28.log:[06:46:48] TI 89T data in MATH irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-09-28.log:[06:51:27] I also have several VCRs irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-10-16.log:[03:10:58] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-10-16.log:[03:21:10] Great lecture irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-10-31.log:[06:08:01] 1671: I defend the ti-89t against all enemies | I will brick all your calcs by esp [Added netham45 at 2010/01/12 02:04] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-10-31.log:[06:10:02] 1088: * patz2009 pokes glk | Shields UP [Added chronomex at 2007/10/22 23:49] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-02.log:[01:36:08] PBS Tomorrow will have a show by Brian Greene about cosmology, first of a weekly series if 4 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-02.log:[05:03:20] Be sure to watch Nova tomorrow on PBS. Brian Greene will discuss cosmology. First of 4 irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[01:36:53] Nova tonight on PBS, Brian Greene on Cosmology, first of 4 weekly shows irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[01:38:05] Hi irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[01:40:04] Too bad. It might be available on www irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[01:53:34] Live webcast with Brian Greene November 2 at 10pm - Watch the webcast. Hosted by The World Science Festival, Columbia University, and NOVA, irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[01:54:32] '8 pm cst irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[01:55:54] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[03:57:18] Steve Jobs is discussed next on Nova irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-03.log:[04:56:39] will be on Steve Jobs for streaming irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-04.log:[02:07:08] The Greene and Jobs last light shows are free on irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-10.log:[03:53:39] Greene on cosmology on Nova soon irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-10.log:[04:03:34] Nova on now, cosmology+ irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-17.log:[03:22:04] Nova is on PBS in 40 minutes, about cosmology irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-17.log:[04:01:25] Nova on pbs is on now irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-18.log:[06:19:40] Leonid Meteor Shower tonight, best before dawn irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2011-11-20.log:[02:44:51] hours of physics lecture irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2013-07-19.log:[22:36:00] 944:DSP_Lord: I studied all night to pass my Turing test | heh | When did you do this? | Feb 30 | that was a while ago | I thought you were going to say something like 1947. | XD irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2013-08-18.log:[08:05:57] 1533:chronomex: I am old and very wise. | <_Digital> and get confused for a bot sometimes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2013-12-04.log:[14:47:22] 1511:netham45: glk is a robot, if you hadn't noticed. | Tin men have rights too irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2013-12-04.log:[14:47:24] 1671:netham45: I defend the ti-89t against all enemies | I will brick all your calcs by esp irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2013-12-04.log:[14:47:26] 1253:chronomex: I am waiting for the wide screen iPhone irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2013-12-04.log:[14:47:44] 1861:E-J: My url has much TI-89 data in MATH | it makes my head go boom | that isn't good | your keyboard might be stained when all the bits of your brain splatter onto it irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2013-12-04.log:[14:47:48] 1050:patz2009: I left my 89 at work. | My url has vast 89 data in MATH | lol | I knew it! irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2014-02-21.log:[01:57:17] 1511: glk is a robot, if you hadn't noticed. | Tin men have rights too [Added: netham45 at 2009/01/29 23:10] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2014-05-21.log:[09:39:22] 1511:netham45: glk is a robot, if you hadn't noticed. | Tin men have rights too irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2014-07-19.log:[19:26:53] 1533:chronomex: I am old and very wise. | <_Digital> and get confused for a bot sometimes irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2014-07-23.log:[11:25:13] 1253:chronomex: I am waiting for the wide screen iPhone irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2014-08-24.log:[11:33:36] More vacuum exists than anything else irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2014-10-22.log:[04:33:24] 1671:netham45: I defend the ti-89t against all enemies | I will brick all your calcs by esp irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2015-09-09.log:[12:51:41] 1635: My other computer is a Turing punch tape machine [Added: netham45 at 2009/09/06 00:20] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2015-12-28.log:[19:45:52] 1050: I left my 89 at work. | My url has vast 89 data in MATH | lol | I knew it! [Added: patz2009 at 2007/09/20 00:20] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2016-01-22.log:[00:14:02] 944: I studied all night to pass my Turing test | heh | When did you do this? | Feb 30 | that was a while ago | I thought you were going to say something like 1947. | XD [Added: DSP_Lord at 2007/07/17 02:49] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2016-06-28.log:[04:51:39] 1233: I have faith it is. Prove it is not [Added: Sir_Lewk at 2008/03/24 23:38] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2016-06-28.log:[22:08:26] 1861:E-J: My url has much TI-89 data in MATH | it makes my head go boom | that isn't good | your keyboard might be stained when all the bits of your brain splatter onto it irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2016-06-28.log:[22:10:18] 1050: I left my 89 at work. | My url has vast 89 data in MATH | lol | I knew it! [Added patz2009 at 2007/09/20 00:20] irclogs/EFNet/#tcpa.2016-06-28.log:[22:10:39] 1511: glk is a robot, if you hadn't noticed. | Tin men have rights too [Added netham45 at 2009/01/29 23:10]