I'll help create a program to estimate CPU clock speed on a TI-89 using Basic, though I should note this will be an approximation since we don't have direct access to hardware timings. I've created a program that attempts to estimate the processing speed of your TI-89. Here's how it works: 1. The program uses a simple loop of basic arithmetic operations 2. It measures the time before and after running these operations 3. Based on the number of operations and elapsed time, it calculates an approximation of operations per second To use this program: 1. Enter it into your TI-89 using the Program Editor 2. Name it "CLOCKTST" (or another name you prefer) 3. Run it by typing "ClockTest()" in the home screen Keep in mind this is a rough approximation because: - The TI-89 BASIC doesn't provide direct access to CPU information - System overhead and other factors can affect timing - The getTime() function has limited resolution The actual speed you'll see will be much lower than the true CPU clock speed, but it can give you a relative idea of the processing capability. Would you like me to explain any part of the code in more detail or help you modify it in some way?