IRCnet |
EFnet |
#ASki |
#mcmoka |
#purkusessio |
#prodeko |
#vantaa |
#jmt11 |
#esolaiset |
#tcpa |
#ti |
536 |
541 |
728 |
621 |
685 |
685 |
973 |
732 |
951 |
389 |
380 |
156 |
1041 |
906 |
915 |
513 |
768 |
783 |
885 |
617 |
680 |
417 |
396 |
497 |
610 |
845 |
710 |
1200 |
779 |
336 |
571 |
472 |
479 |
699 |
1005 |
820 |
983 |
692 |
1116 |
1318 |
860 |
1367 |
1190 |
785 |
591 |
673 |
654 |
716 |
1001 |
764 |
933 |
1003 |
1190 |
910 |
1556 |
1546 |
1247 |
1289 |
620 |
252 |
59 | 58 | 57 | 56 | 55 | 54 | 53 | 52 | 51 | 50 | 49 | 48 | 47 | 46 | 45 | 44 | 43 | 42 | 41 | 40 | 39 | 38 | 37 | 36 | 35 | 34 | 33 | 32 | 31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
= 0-5 | = 6-11 | = 12-17 | = 18-23 |
5.9% |
4.7% |
4.6% |
4.6% |
5.3% |
5.9% |
6.3% |
5.6% |
4.7% |
4.7% |
3.1% |
2.0% |
1.2% |
0.9% |
0.7% |
1.1% |
2.6% |
2.8% |
3.6% |
5.2% |
5.4% |
5.9% |
6.5% |
6.5% |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |
= 0-5 | = 6-11 | = 12-17 | = 18-23 |
Nick | Number of lines | When? | Number of Words | Words per line | Chars per line | Last seen | Random quote | |
1 | krisk | 10621 | 81665 | 7.7 | 40.3 | yesterday | "then watch another one that does" | |
2 | ports | 11002 | 78069 | 7.1 | 37.2 | today | "nikky: be happy.. im not going to Washington this summer" | |
3 | jr19 | 8864 | 61841 | 7.0 | 35.0 | today | "basically, one of the bastards i hate when they drive near my home" | |
4 | E-J | 6549 | 55848 | 8.5 | 51.1 | today | "ah, i haven't had touch screen phone so i didn't realize that people use them always with 2 hands" | |
5 | BrandonW | 5973 | 54067 | 9.1 | 48.3 | 2 days ago | "What is that Google document, bsparks?" | |
6 | Sir_Lewk | 7010 | 52238 | 7.5 | 40.0 | yesterday | "and have a sign that says "YES, WE CHECK"" | |
7 | bwsTBRB | 4802 | 45491 | 9.5 | 49.1 | today | "Her idea of mailing a check for the past week was severely changed by vacation >_>" | |
8 | Barrett | 4797 | 40669 | 8.5 | 45.1 | yesterday | "materials + fabrication, I mean" | |
9 | Randomist | 4764 | 39109 | 8.2 | 46.4 | today | "Oh, Windows. Never mind, then. :P" | |
10 | i_c-Y | 4385 | 33794 | 7.7 | 41.6 | today | "ports_: so go with an amd dual core i guess. cheap, 780G chipset has good onboard video, low power" | |
11 | DAuron | 3308 | 27353 | 8.3 | 44.0 | yesterday | "I can't figure out how to rotate points around a pivot point, mathematically." | |
12 | chronomex | 4771 | 23489 | 4.9 | 25.9 | yesterday | "but Punycode is anti-synchronizing" | |
13 | Genololo | 3678 | 22209 | 6.0 | 30.2 | yesterday | "or "age of consent" or whatever they call it these days" | |
14 | Nikky_S | 5683 | 22107 | 3.9 | 20.8 | yesterday | "well, not any other EU country" | |
15 | JonimusP | 2295 | 21065 | 9.2 | 46.3 | yesterday | "it is also digital rather than analog which has its advantages." | |
16 | Ander | 1787 | 18306 | 10.2 | 55.9 | yesterday | "BrandonW: Have anybody proofreading your book?" | |
17 | _Digital | 2288 | 17699 | 7.7 | 40.1 | today | "test it with a magnatron ;)" | |
18 | efneTI92 | 1897 | 17694 | 9.3 | 55.6 | today | "[Genolo] Only my railgun can shoot letting my soul out~" | |
19 | AndySoft | 2126 | 16160 | 7.6 | 39.7 | today | "two vastly different frequency bands" | |
20 | JoeYoung_ | 1997 | 15069 | 7.5 | 40.8 | today | "I dunno, ports_, I like 40k but this trailer doesn't seem to bring anything that new :/" | |
21 | efneTI86 | 599 | 12356 | 20.6 | 120.1 | today | "1622:Ox40: <jr19> i heard efnet is run by the taliban | <devoidofw> Weapons of mass communication?" | |
22 | spengo | 1554 | 11552 | 7.4 | 39.7 | today | "tard muffins the lot of you!" | |
23 | netham | 1675 | 11186 | 6.7 | 34.5 | yesterday | "you wanted me to download porn for you on it." | |
24 | mokomull | 1271 | 10776 | 8.5 | 46.9 | today | "I'm sure you'll prod me before then." | |
25 | leofox | 1479 | 9271 | 6.3 | 32.2 | 5 days ago | "never been there so I decided to go there" | |
26 | incubeous | 1785 | 9038 | 5.1 | 26.6 | 2 days ago | "" | |
27 | Dan_E | 641 | 8658 | 13.5 | 73.5 | 11 days ago | "I miss fun coding like that!" | |
28 | LordMathi | 1621 | 8579 | 5.3 | 27.7 | yesterday | "since when are you a rapper?" | |
29 | SirCmpwn | 813 | 6358 | 7.8 | 41.0 | 58 days ago | "no one does noses anymore. its just :)" | |
30 | Merthsoft | 1320 | 6145 | 4.7 | 23.9 | today | "it's trying to book from the network" | |
31 | asmand | 913 | 5793 | 6.3 | 34.6 | yesterday | "ok.. that was scary.. for I while, I forgot how old I am" | |
32 | calcg | 639 | 5357 | 8.4 | 44.7 | today | "E-J: I suppose... I've never had alcohol" | |
33 | _Auron|Pn | 772 | 5198 | 6.7 | 34.5 | yesterday | "which automatically tunes to how the person tilts for control" | |
34 | doc_who_ | 887 | 4745 | 5.3 | 27.8 | 135 days ago | "i doubt he's touched a calc in 8 years as well" | |
35 | tr1p1ea | 802 | 4427 | 5.5 | 29.4 | 2 days ago | "bought a 55" tv just to watch the world cup :)" | |
36 | millinao_ | 608 | 4234 | 7.0 | 37.4 | yesterday | "hey guys have you heard about this new thing that apple has for the iphone? it's called folders" | |
37 | Tahben | 542 | 4034 | 7.4 | 38.5 | 11 days ago | "But I gave up my subscription for a dumb dumb reason" | |
38 | calc84 | 562 | 3987 | 7.1 | 37.3 | 101 days ago | "at any rate, I'm sure there's a way to make all my code pc-relative" | |
39 | Michael_V | 459 | 3592 | 7.8 | 41.5 | 23 days ago | "I wrote the site for myself mainly :)" | |
40 | rcfreak | 797 | 3378 | 4.2 | 20.2 | yesterday | "ah, ill prob just go with zilla cause its pretty easy to use" | |
41 | KermM____ | 559 | 3120 | 5.6 | 29.8 | yesterday | "remind me to check with you about changing its hostmask in CalcBot, nikky" | |
42 | j-b-r_ | 303 | 3050 | 10.1 | 52.2 | 2 days ago | "They did change how big it was, bs|live" | |
43 | TD---Linu | 476 | 3041 | 6.4 | 34.8 | 7 days ago | "so you need to pay licensing fees" | |
44 | patz2009d | 274 | 2766 | 10.1 | 53.7 | 112 days ago | "Man, my new CSCI teacher is even more of an idiot than my last." | |
45 | nicolas | 310 | 2727 | 8.8 | 46.5 | 72 days ago | "well, technically, I AM part of the IT group at work" | |
46 | mark2 | 190 | 2273 | 12.0 | 64.5 | 69 days ago | "Yes ofcourse, but the gain is everywhere" | |
47 | tev_ | 149 | 2058 | 13.8 | 76.0 | yesterday | "I'll have to see if I can figure out how to make it use /exec or something instead" | |
48 | jr | 308 | 1994 | 6.5 | 33.4 | 21 days ago | "but if you can at least do that for a little bit..." | |
49 | Appl6 | 180 | 1958 | 10.9 | 51.9 | 13 days ago | "au: So I think university = undergraduate college." | |
50 | glk | 281 | 1867 | 6.6 | 34.4 | today | ".25*x+.5*y=9.25 x+y=30" |
elfprince (1322) | smart (1299) | Goplat` (1283) | au (1269) | OxPhone (1262) |
Spengo\__ (1251) | azrael666 (1237) | geeekboy (1177) | Sk84Life (1159) | obnauticu (1096) |
Kurttank_ (1080) | debroxul (1023) | tari_ (994) | cemeyer (981) | iGenolo (980) |
dev_squid (951) | link_36p (937) | rgtsfd (876) | Jayhawker (869) | Neff (868) |
Some_Pers (867) | Milyardo (840) | Dauron (831) | tr1bal (825) | qazz42 (796) |
_Auron|G1 (792) | Tyler2 (783) | al_b (718) | Illmatic1 (690) | Speler (686) |
Legacy|Ho (670) | JoeDye1 (631) | calcdude (618) | incubus_ (557) | winston (534) |
chrisk (529) | bsparks (519) | Bram_Tant (515) | RedMushro (511) | Grue` (506) |
fantastic (494) | Grue_ (491) | Barrett_F (430) | seb_ (427) | JLegacy (387) |
the_Bug (381) | Nefff (371) | ix_ (350) | Neff- (348) | Big_Deady (347) |
0-5 | 6-11 | 12-17 | 18-23 | |
1 | ports - 3987 | BrandonW - 2904 | jr19 - 1534 | krisk - 7057 |
2 | krisk - 2598 | Nikky_S - 2519 | E-J - 1403 | jr19 - 5238 |
3 | BrandonW - 2052 | chronomex - 2115 | ports - 936 | ports - 4649 |
4 | bwsTBRB - 2045 | Barrett - 2033 | krisk - 902 | Sir_Lewk - 3433 |
5 | i_c-Y - 1868 | Genololo - 1853 | Sir_Lewk - 664 | E-J - 3008 |
6 | jr19 - 1786 | Randomist - 1832 | chronomex - 442 | bwsTBRB - 1575 |
7 | Nikky_S - 1762 | ports - 1430 | incubeous - 366 | Nikky_S - 1324 |
8 | Sir_Lewk - 1726 | Sir_Lewk - 1187 | efneTI92 - 334 | i_c-Y - 1324 |
9 | Randomist - 1648 | _Digital - 1166 | DAuron - 282 | DAuron - 1285 |
10 | Barrett - 1498 | spengo - 1088 | asmand - 279 | Barrett - 1237 |
Is mark2 stupid or just asking too many questions? 26.8% lines contained a question!
SirCmpwn didn't know that much either. 22.9% of his/her lines were questions. |
The loudest one was efneTI86, who yelled 14.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was efneTI92, who shouted 9.5% of the time! |
It seems that Nikky_S's shift-key is hanging: 6.0% of the time he wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <nikky> NOOOOOO incubeous just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 5.4% of the time. |
LordMathi is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 16 times. For example, like this: * DSP_Lord slaps patz2009 around a bit with a large trout Nikky_S can't control his aggressions, either. He picked on others 16 times. |
Poor LordMathi, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 8 times. For example, like this: * _Digital slaps DSP_Lord around a bit with a large trout DAuron seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 6 times. |
nicolas brings happiness to the world. 16.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Randomist isn't a sad person either, smiling 15.3% of the time. |
rcfreak seems to be sad at the moment: 4.0% lines contained sad faces. :(
JoeYoung_ is also a sad person, crying 3.5% of the time. |
efneTI86 wrote the longest lines, averaging 120.1 letters per line. #tcpa average was 39.5 letters per line. |
rcfreak wrote the shortest lines, averaging 20.2 characters per line. Nikky_S was tight-lipped, too, averaging 20.8 characters. |
krisk spoke a total of 81665 words!
krisk's faithful follower, ports, didn't speak so much: 78069 words. |
efneTI86 wrote an average of 20.63 words per line.
Channel average was 7.48 words per line. |
Nick | Names Used | |
1 | Randomist (16 names) | Incubine, wife, pagan101, Mode, Random[2], Randomis1, Rndmst\1, Demonpit, Rndmst\3, Random[1], ... |
2 | elfprince (15 names) | elfprinc, elfprin-1, elf|nap, elf|exams, elf|afk, elf|snows, elf|rsrch, elf|codin, elf|sleep, elf|class, ... |
3 | KermM____ (15 names) | K|nkkysux, TIFrkSUX, NotKomak, KermM___, KermM, boobies, KermM____, apt-get, Kerm, notKerm, ... |
4 | JoeYoung_ (14 names) | Joe__, OmniPJIRC, Joe_AFK, Joe_Schoo, mtgrss111, sir_meta, JoeYoung_, Joe_Sleep, JoeOC, joe, ... |
5 | Genololo (12 names) | geno, Genolo, geno_, nyu, Genolo-, rgtsfd, Geno97, geno\_, Geno__, Geno-, ... |
6 | _NF_ (10 names) | _NF_, DJ_0mni, Titty-San, _NF_Away, _NFII_, NF_Sleep, NissanMcr, HP_Casio, NFII, NF |
7 | tev_ (10 names) | tev, tev|log, tev2, TravisE__, tev|log_, tev_, tev|bkup, tev-, tev2_, list |
8 | j-b-r_ (9 names) | SeeBorg, j-b-r_, someoneel, j-b-r__, j-b-r, SeaBorg, spambot, j-b-r___, wutnow |
9 | netham (9 names) | NethmTest, Netham46, Netham47, Netham45_, netham, alex10819, root___, Netham45, NethamTes |
10 | bwsTBRB (9 names) | cockpit, froody, bwsTBRB, Zero_G4, bsparks, chronos, bs|live, |bomb, [bsparks] |
Gender | Number of lines | Nick | |
1 | Male | 71357 | ports (11002), krisk (10621), Sir_Lewk (7010), E-J (6549), BrandonW (5973), Nikky_S (5683), Randomist (4764), i_c-Y (4385), _Digital (2288), AndySoft (2126), ... |
2 | Bot | 2500 | efneTI92 (1897), efneTI86 (599), efneTI85 (4) |
3 | Female | 542 | Tahben (542) |
Word | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | about | 2777 | _Digital |
2 | there | 2735 | _Digital |
3 | think | 2541 | E-J |
4 | would | 2152 | bwsTBRB |
5 | really | 1831 | bwsTBRB |
6 | because | 1674 | jr19 |
7 | people | 1645 | bwsTBRB |
8 | something | 1528 | bwsTBRB |
9 | though | 1419 | bwsTBRB |
10 | right | 1342 | mokomull |
Nick | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | Nikky_S | 1022 | E-J |
2 | BrandonW | 680 | chronomex |
3 | jr19 | 585 | ports |
4 | E-J | 570 | jolo1234 |
5 | krisk | 553 | E-J |
6 | Randomist | 475 | Sir_Lewk |
7 | bsparks | 462 | ports |
8 | Sir_Lewk | 453 | krisk |
9 | ports | 429 | ports |
10 | Barrett | 393 | Nikky_S |
Smiley | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | :) | 1500 | calcg |
2 | :P | 1400 | E-J |
3 | :( | 650 | Nikky_S |
4 | :D | 447 | qazz42 |
5 | :/ | 286 | JoeYoung_ |
6 | ;) | 263 | bwsTBRB |
7 | :p | 156 | AndySoft |
8 | D: | 85 | Sir_Lewk |
9 | ;P | 55 | Sir_Lewk |
10 | :-) | 35 | JoeDye1 |
Nick | Karma | Good karma by | Bad karma by | |
1 | krisk | 6 | calcg, Randomist, patz2009d, chronomex, JoeYoung_, Sir_Lewk | |
2 | Nikky_S | 6 | ||
3 | Randomist | 5 | rcfreak, BrandonW, _Digital, E-J, JoeYoung_, Sir_Lewk | i_c-Y |
4 | E-J | 4 | Randomist, chronomex, DAuron, Sir_Lewk | |
5 | bsparks | 3 | Randomist, E-J, JoeYoung_ | |
5 | $}=32;print$"x$},(map$_?"##":$"x2,@;=(1,map$_^$;[++$*],@;)),$*=$/while$} | -1 | Goplat` | |
4 | street-cred | -1 | E-J | |
3 | epsstore | -1 | chronomex | |
2 | onidrootdlek22=z74xegjst1.n6lzon8m/azonmtoogtxpqoutxclbx0ka0 |
-1 | _Digital | |
1 | sobriety | -1 | chronomex |
URL | Number of Uses | Last Used by | |
1 | | 545 | efneTI92 |
2 | | 24 | efneTI92 |
3 | | 17 | efneTI92 |
4 | | 14 | glk |
5 | | 13 | efneTI92 |
6 | | 11 | efneTI86 |
7 | | 8 | efneTI92 |
8 | | 8 | Genololo |
9 | | 8 | ports |
10 | | 7 | bwsTBRB |
Song | How Often Played | Last Played by | |
1 | a few games of cod4 or dawn of war or something with interne | 1 | chrisk |
2 | Rockapella - Carmen Sandiego | 1 | AndySoft |
3 | soccer/rugby/football in a field with friends is fine | 1 | krisk |
4 | games isn't fun for me because lazy/unproductive it makes me | 1 | Sir_Lewk |
5 | Tetris with somebody in China or something | 1 | BrandonW |
6 | lower quality is 340 | 1 | Barrett |
7 | Rush - The Trees 128kbps - 44Khz | 1 | netham |
8 | drunk is much more difficult | 1 | leofox |
9 | wow? cant discipline yourself to do basic personal health? c | 1 | krisk |
10 | lady gaga on the piano :D | 1 | leofox |
netham wasn't very popular, getting kicked 87 times! For example, like this: *** Netham46 was kicked by efneTI86 Randomist seemed to be hated too: 37 kicks were received. |
efneTI86 is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 243 people!
efneTI86's faithful follower, Nikky_S, kicked about 34 people. |
efneTI86 donated 200 ops in the channel...
efneTI92 was also very polite: 3 ops from him/her. |
efneTI86 is the channel sheriff with 26 deops.
efneTI92 deoped 9 users. |
efneTI86 donated 557 voices in the channel...
efneTI92 was also very polite: 32 voices from him/her. |
No voices were taken on #tcpa! |
Randomist always lets us know what he's doing: 763 actions! For example, like this: * Randomist gives bsparks BitTorrent, than ducks. :P Also, Nikky_S tells us what's up with 115 actions. |
krisk talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 87 times!
Another lonely one was Genololo, who managed to hit 65 times. |
KermM____ couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 854 joins during this reporting period! |
incubeous has quite a potty mouth. 0.54% words were foul language. For example, like this: <incubus> FUCK YES LordMathi also makes sailors blush, 0.42% of the time. |
Welcome to #TCPA | Midsummer \o/ | Kick with Kare | yesterday at 19:13 by efneTI86 |
Welcome to #TCPA | LOST TOPIC: Reward of one Internet if found. | Kick with Kare | 2 days ago at 08:10 by Nikky_S |
Welcome to #TCPA | LOST TOPIC: Reward of one Internet if found. | Still providing you with quality Netham45/Cricket_B JOIN/PART flood sessions. | Kick with Kar | 2 days ago at 08:10 by Nikky_S |
Welcome to #TCPA | LOST TOPIC: Reward of one Internet if found. | Still providing you with quality Netham45/Cricket_B JOIN/PART flood sessions. | 2 days ago at 02:11 by efneTI86 |
Welcome to #TCPA | LOST TOPIC: Reward of one Internet if found. | Still providing you with quality Netham45 JOIN/PART flood sessions. | 3 days ago at 06:36 by efneTI86 |
Welcome to #TCPA | LOST TOPIC: last seen on 21 June 2010 at 1647 CDT. Reward of one Internet if found. | Still providing you with daily high-quality Netham45 | 3 days ago at 06:33 by efneTI86 |
Welcome to #TCPA | LOST TOPIC: last seen on 21 June 2010 at 1647 CDT. Reward of one Internet if found. | 3 days ago at 03:45 by efneTI86 |
(null) | 3 days ago at 03:43 by chronomex |
"Welcome to #TCPA, we provide your daily netham join flood | Borg Cube, obv. | aksnowman | 3 days ago at 03:42 by efneTI86 |
Welcome to #TCPA, where the madness lives. | 3 days ago at 03:40 by efneTI86 |
TCPA | 4 days ago at 23:48 by efneTI86 |
The topic was set 58 times. |
IRCnet |
EFnet |
#ASki |
#mcmoka |
#purkusessio |
#prodeko |
#vantaa |
#jmt11 |
#esolaiset |
#tcpa |
#ti |